
Record dialog

The spectral record dialog is a dialog with record the slices / instruments content continuously (when unpaused)

The recording can be exported to a .PNG image, saved to disk as a .WAV file (additive synthesis conversion) or imported back into Fragment as an input.

The export to .WAV can be very handy since the exported file will be named with 100% accurate fundamental frequency informations along with the note name, session and current date, this can be a very powerful tool to constitute a samples library or as a source for Fragment granular synthesis.

Note : .WAV export only use additive synthesis

By default the recording replace the old content with actual slices content. The recording area width correspond to the width of the session score, once the end is reached it start again.

Here are the toolbar details from left to right :

  • rewind : this rewind the recording
  • record MIDI only : toggle to only record MIDI output
  • record OSC only : toggle to only record OSC output
  • record synth data only : toggle to only record synth data output (default)
  • record all : toggle to record all types (they are added together)
  • add compositing mode : when on the content will be added with incoming slices data (preserving the old data)
  • substract compositing mode : when on the content will be substracted with incoming slices data
  • multiply compositing mode : when on the content will be multiplied with incoming slices data
  • add actual content into the session input list
  • download the content as a .WAV file (additive synthesis conversion)
  • download the content as a .PNG file

Importing the record to Fragment allow to play it back and manipulate it (pitch shifting etc.), it is the same concept as audio samples except that it work with images data instead of audio data.